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Smaran Performing Arts is proud to present SMARAN DANCE FESTIVAL 2017 4th year in a row. This year we are partnering with Project Roshini  (Prajwala, an anti-trafficking non-profit organization run by Dr. Sunita Krishnan in India), which focuses on women care worldwide and light up the lives of millions of women and young children whose innocent souls have been forcibly amputated by the scourge of sexual trafficking. We deeply believe in this cause and will be raising funds for this organization through SDF - 2017.

Phone Booking Call: 

Vidyalatha Jeerage: (408) 507-0892
Aishwarya Venkat : (408) 306-9667
Chaitra Sathyanarayana: (443) 226-2163
Vibhushita Chandrasekaran: (408) 931-2452
Sai Suma: (650) 996-6417
Megha Herur: (408) 784-9662


Email :

Free admission for children under 2. Children who need seating must purchase tickets.

* Get upto 20% discount on group purchase of 5 or more tickets . Please contact above mentioned volunteers to avail group discount.

Special  Offer:

Guest Artist from India

Harinie Jeevitha 

Harinie Jeevitha
Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

Harinie Jeevitha

N. Harinie Jeevitha is a dedicated artist who has been learning the art of Bharathanatyam from the age of six. With the able guidance and training from her teacher, Smt. Sheela Unnikrishnan, Harinie has come a long way in proving her artistry in this field with grace and vitality. Unyielding faith in hard work and her passion for learning has accelerated this journey in which she aspires to imbibe and internalise the intricacies and essence of this art form to the best of her ability.


Harinie had her Arangetram in 2006 and has been performing extensively since then. Being a regular performer in the December Music and Dance Season for the past 8 years, she has had the opportunity to perform for esteemed Sabhas such as Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Brahma Gana Sabha, Thyaga Brahma Gana Sabha, Rasika Ranjani Sabha, Indian Fine Arts Society, Mylapore Fine Arts Club, Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha to name a few. She also staged her performance in the monthly program of Natyarangam, Narada Gana Sabha (Feb, 2015) and was also invited to perform at the HCL Concert series (June, 2015) and Mid Year Dance Festival (June, 2016) organised by The Music Academy. Harinie presented a solo performance at the Annual Dance Festival of The MusicAcademy, Madras in 2017.

Apart from proving her forte in Bharathanatyam in many avenues in Chennai, Harinie has toured all over India performing with her teacher’s troupe. She has had the privilege of dancing in prestigious dance festivals held in Mamallapuram, Konark, Vizak etc. Along with her teacher, Harinie has also conducted a workshop for students of Bharathanatyam in Oslo, Norway and presented a solo performance in the Rommen Scene Theatre, Oslo.


Harinie is a recipient of the BALSHREE award (2009), constituted by the Govt. of India as the highest scheme of honour for young achievers in various fields. She has been receiving a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India under the ‘Scholarship to Young Artists Scheme’ (2015-16, 2016-17). Harinie is also an ‘A’ grade artist in Doordarshan. In recognition of her talent, the Sabhas in Chennai have presented her with awards such as ‘Yuva KalaBharati’ (2014- Bharat Kalachar), ‘Guru Sarasa Ammal Award’ (2014- Sri Krishna Gana Sabha), ‘Best Performer’(2012- Sri Parthasarathy Swami Sabha), ‘Excellence Award’(2007- VDS Arts Academy).


In the ‘Spirit of Youth’ competition conducted by The Music Academy, Harinie was adjudged the Second Best Dancer and given the Gutty Vasu Memorial Prize (2014). She also secured the first position in the talent promotion scheme conducted by Indian Fine Arts Society in the year 2013. As a testimony to her commendable performance in the Margazhi season, Times of India, Chennai presented her with the Margazhi Music Award in 2010.  Harinie has also been given the first place innational level Bharathanatyam competitions conducted all over India.





Harinie has received critical acclaim for her performances from art critics. 

• Smt. Nandini Ramani in her review said, “Time stood still when Harinie performed the ‘Eternal Dance’. She received a standing ovation.” (Sruti, March 2015)

• Rupa Srikanth, a noted dance critic stated, “... (Harinie) has it all: a personable presence, excellent sense of timing, grace, agility, perfection in execution, an expressive face and palpable passion.” (The Hindu, July 2015).

• Veejay Sai’s review of her solo performance at Music Academy’s Annual Dance Festival- “Harinie is a very promising soloist. She has the charm and grace of the old world and yet keeps her dance very firm- footed in the now.” (, Jan 2017)

• Leela Venkataraman’s review- “Harinie Jeevitha, disciple of Sheela Unnikrishnan had amazing control and her ability to hold even the oordhva tandava posture in rocklike stillness was unbelievable.”



While these prizes, awards and recognition have been a source of motivation for this young artist, her sole intention and ambition is to understand the core beauty of the art form and revel in the joy of dancing. This, she attempts to achieve seeking inspiration from her teacher, Smt. Sheela Unnikrishnan and other doyens of the art form.

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